May Membership Meeting
Please note the earlier start time!
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 1:00 p.m.
CGS Library, 2201 Broadway at 22nd, Oakland.
Please join us for two special talks by Dr. Stephen P. Morse.
“What Color Ellis Island Search Form Should I Use?”
& “The Jewish Calendar Demystified”
CGS members will have double the pleasure when popular speaker Steve Morse returns in May.
Steve’s first talk will describe the evolution of the One-Step Ellis Island Web site to the One-Step Web Pages. In April 2001 the Ellis Island ship manifests and passenger records went online. A few weeks later the One-Step Ellis Island website was created to make this resource easier to use. Since that time the One-Step site has been greatly expanded to include new search capabilities and an array of color-coded search forms.
He will describe the evolution of the website from both a historical and a practical perspective, and provide a beacon for navigating through this color maze.
Dr. Morse’s second lecture is a tongue-in-cheek but factual description of the Jewish Calendar as seen through the eyes of Adam and Eve. Because it is both a solar and lunar calendar, the rules that govern it can be a bit daunting. This piece was recently published in the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly which reflects its general appeal. It’s not just for people doing Jewish genealogy – and is a very humorous talk!