Videos for CGS Members

Event Recordings

Many of the CGS events presented by renown genealogy speakers are recorded and available for free viewing by our members. These will remain accessible per the speaker’s agreement.

Available to view by CGS Members

Jewish Genealogy: Case Studies

Join Joanna Shear as she shares interesting cases in Jewish Genealogy
Members Can View Recording through December 26

click to sign up

You Can Do This: Photo Organizing and Preservation

Participants will learn the best ways to organize and preserve family photos including outsourcing as well as the DIY approach.

CGS & Los Californianos California History Series

A special joint program of the California Genealogical Society and Los Californianos.

Available to view by CGS & Los Californianos Members

CGS Tech Talks

The videos available here are a benefit provided to our members to help them learn about the technology in use at CGS. The topics we cover will help you work with other volunteers on committees – whether you participate in person or remotely.

We hope you find this information useful. If you would like other topics covered or have questions, please contact [email protected].

Available to view by CGS Members

Google Drive

Google Drive – Introduction – what is Google Drive, why and how to use it.

Google Drive – Files — How to create, upload and edit files in Google Drive.

Google Drive — Sharing — How to share files, set permissions and use comments.

Other Resources

Free Videos

Calendar View

Event Questions

Suggestions Have you heard a great genealogical talk and think that CGS should invite the speaker to present for us? Is there a particular place you’d like society to consider for a field trip? These are typically one-day events. In the past we’ve visited the State Archives in Sacramento, the San Francisco Library, Sutro Library, Bancroft Library. Where would you like to go or go again? Please Leave us a Suggestion.

Non-Discrimination Statement

The goal of the California Genealogical Society is to connect people to their family heritage and to promote a spirit of diversity and inclusivity for our members and patrons. The California Genealogical Society does not tolerate discrimination in any form.    

Photography Notice

California Genealogical Society (CGS) may take photographs, audio recordings, and video footage in our library, classrooms or events for historical records or publicity purposes.  If you do not want to be photographed or filmed, it is the individual’s responsibility to ‘opt out’ by notifying the event leader or photographer at the event.

CGS Eventbrite Page