CGS Ancestral Chart Project

by Kathryn Doyle (3/11/2008)

Like most genealogical societies, CGS has received many donated items over the years, and as is usually the case, things sometimes get “lost” in the archives. One of the benefits of moving last year was the rediscovery of some 100 ancestral charts of assorted size and vintage. Volunteers had carefully labeled each chart with a primary surname title and stored them alphabetically in eight long boxes. Many hours had been spent creating a surname index of all names found on the charts. A card file is available in the CGS Library where one can look up a surname of interest and find a card listing each of the donated charts that feature the surname in question.

Despite the elaborate surname index, the charts were a seldom-used resource in the library. Unless a surname is extremely rare, there is little practical reason to use the index cards or to examine a chart, based on surname alone.

In July 2007, 14 volunteers met at the home of CGS President, Jane Lindsey, for a potluck work party to search through the charts. The purpose of the session was to examine and abstract information from as many of the charts as possible with the intent of creating an online database so searchers could more precisely determine a chart’s relevance to their research. Unfortunately, the work proved more tedious than anticipated and even a second session later in the summer proved inadequate to finish the job. Several more charts remain to be examined before the information can be collated and put into a database. However, a couple of the charts warrant further attention in the blog. Stay tuned.

In case you missed yesterday’s meeting

by Kathryn Doyle (3/9/2008)

If you missed yesterday’s California Genealogical Society membership meeting, head on over to Steve’s Genealogy Blog and read his detailed account of the proceedings. The meeting was standing-room-only at the Oakland Regional Family History Center, where 80+ members heard Assistant Director, Margery Bell, update members on the amazing new research opportunities offered by the LDS. An up-to-date calendar of the society’s events and meetings is always available through the “Calendar” tab on the CGS Web site or from the “Google Calendar” button on the right side of this blog.

Mark Tucker’s Genealogy Research Map

by Kathryn Doyle (3/7/2008)

Mark Tucker of the ThinkGenealogy blog, has developed an interesting Genealogy Research Map, a downloadable visual synopsis of the “concepts found in The Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) from the Board for Certification of Genealogists and the many works of Elizabeth Shown Mills.”

Mark generously allows anyone to download the map for personal use and offers it as a “learning tool.” Being a visual learner myself, I can see the benefit of having the concepts available in a handy, one page, graphically attractive form, especially for the new researcher. I encourage everyone to take a look.