• CGS Member registration is performed by volunteers. Please allow up to fourteen days for a new membership or a reinstatement to take effect.

    If you have questions or changes to your membership profile, please contact us at [email protected].

  • Required fields are denoted with an "*".

  • DONATIONS (We rely on donations to provide programs and services for our membership.)
  • FUND ALLOCATION: Please let us know how you would like to distribute your donation.
  • Contributions help defray current expenditures.
  • Formerly the Endowment Fund, this is our investment fund used to smooth variations in revenue.

    Please note: CGS policy requires that one must be a member of the California Genealogical Society in order to volunteer. The Volunteer Coordinator will contact you if you've completed this section. Thank you! Volunteer Interests I am interested in the following activities:
  • The California Nugget, published twice yearly, is available online to all members. Do you also wish to receive a print copy in the mail?
  • $0.00