Profiles of the Signers of the 1849 California Constitution with Family Histories
By Wayne B. Shepard, Research by George R. Dorman
From the Preface
In early 2020, the California Genealogical Society’s librarian was cleaning out files in the library and unearthed a box containing a complete manuscript printout and a CD for a book on the signers of the California Constitution. The Society had intended to publish and sell this document in book form. For various reasons, it was decided that this was not feasible, and the project was filed away in 2002. But on reexamination, it was decided that there was still a lot of valuable information contained in these pages.
We are aware that the information in this book is out of date. This research was completed twenty to thirty years ago, pre-Internet. There are most likely some mistakes in it. More information has come to light with the advent of and FamilySearch. But the book is still useful; it contains many references to older sources that may not be available online. It is still an amazing piece of scholarship. It might just provide a nugget of information to solve someone’s problem or take someone on a new path. So please use this book judiciously and check your sources.
The book is available for download in 3 formats: