This week at CGS (September 16-23, 2024)

by California Genealogical Society (9/17/2024)

To register or for more information, click the link for any event. All times are Pacific Time.
Questions? Email
[email protected]

"Tips & Talk" letters

Tips & Talk: CGS volunteers and others lead discussion groups throughout the month. Held in person at the Oakland FamilySearch Center. Free. All welcome! For details, visit This week:

Thu., Sep. 19, 11 AM: Build Your Story: Digitizing with a Purpose.

Thu., Sep. 19, 1 PM: “FamilySearch Skills #1: Using” with Denise Plaskett. (Continues Sep. 24).

Fri., Sep. 20, 11 AM: “Finding your Immigrant Ancestor’s Birthplace” with Maureen Hanlon.

The following Special Interest Groups meet this week:


Fri., Sep. 20, 10:30 AM: Mayflower Descendants SIG. Led by Robert Trapp. Focus on Mayflower ancestry and how to join The Society of California Mayflower Descendants. Discussion of ongoing research.



Sketch of old building with pillars and domeSat., Sep. 21, 10 AM: San Francisco SIG. Sandra Huber leads this group for those interested in finding San Francisco ancestors, with discussion of where to look for records both pre and post the 1906 earthquake. Held via Zoom.



Sat., Sep. 21, 1 PM: Family Tree Maker SIG. Presentation, discussion, and troubleshooting for users of the popular genealogy software. Today’s meeting includes a look at the newest FTM update. Led by Ron Madson and Karen Halfon. Hybrid (held in person and on Zoom).



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Special Interest Groups:
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Visit the Oakland FamilySearch Center this Saturday

by California Genealogical Society (9/12/2024)

row of smiling people

Some CGS volunteers at the Oakland FamilySearch Center. From left: Maureen Hanlon, Lavinia Schwarz, Roger Prince, Jennifer Dix, Jane Lindsey.

Did you know… that more than a dozen California Genealogical Society members regularly volunteer at the Oakland FamilySearch Library? We find it a great way to connect with others and help them in their research. The missions of the CGS Library and OFSC overlap in many ways; we see each other as complementary rather than rivals.

This Saturday, Sept. 14, from 10 am. – 2 p.m., come to the Open House at the OFSC! You can enjoy free tours of the library and its many genealogical resources, hear brief presentations on the upcoming Fall Educational Series, get help printing out a family tree fan chart, and celebrate with shave ice and more! All of it absolutely free! CGS volunteers will be on hand with information about our society as well. The weather forecast is lovely – please drop by!

This week at CGS (September 9-15, 2024)

by California Genealogical Society (9/8/2024)

To register or for more information, click the link for any event. All times are Pacific Time.
Questions? Email [email protected]

picture of building with palm trees

Don’t miss the Open House, Sat., Sept. 14, at the Oakland FamilySearch Center! Free tours of the genealogy library, brief presentations on the half hour, free shave ice! CGS will have a table at the event.

Tips & Talk: CGS volunteers and others lead discussion groups throughout the month. Held in person at the Oakland FamilySearch Center. Free. All welcome! This week:

Tuesday, Sept. 10, 11 AM: Scottish Special Interest Group with Roger Prince.
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 11 AM: Portugal/Madeira Azores with Ralph Severson
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1 PM: DNA Special Interest Group with Sue Severson

For more detailed descriptions, visit the Temple Hill website.

Also scheduled this week:
Wednesday, Sept.11, 6:30 PM
: Members’ Roundtable. Via Zoom. A forum for asking questions about one another’s genealogical research, to learn from others, share research successes, and enjoy a collegial group of individuals interested in learning together. Particularly for new and remote members, this is an opportunity to meet and feel part of the CGS community. Led by Lisa Gorrell and Jacqueline Henderson.

Sat., Sept. 14, 10-12: Monthly Board Meeting. Hybrid; in person and via Zoom.

Helpful Links
Special Interest Groups:
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