Some of the collections held by CGS have been scanned and put on the FamilySearch website. To see these records you must have an account at FamilySearch. Once on the site go to the Search menu and select “Catalog”. At the “Search By:” prompt choose “Titles” and enter: California, Collections of California Genealogical Society, 1700-1942.
When you select the collection it will show a list of CGS databases that includes:
Images have not been indexed but it is relatively easy to search through the records that are in alphabetical order by surname. Start by clicking on any one of the five database links. Then look for the note written in red that says, “To view digital images …. Click here …”
Then look for another link that says “Browse through 165,529 Images”. Then you will be presented with two options – Alameda County or San Francisco County. If you choose Alameda County you will then need to select “Oakland”. When you click on Oakland it will take you to the Phillips database.
If you choose San Francisco County and then click on the town of San Francisco, you will be presented with a very long list of record groups. Do not despair. These are divided into small groups that are clearly labeled and easily navigated. For Example, you can choose “Alta and Other Newspaper People Index, Hart-Rogers, 1861” you will be presented with a record set with 3257 images. If you are looking for the Surname “Menge” that is in of the range H-R, start looking at image 1600. Ultimately you will find Mendoza at image 1980, Mengel at image 1981, and know that there is no Menge in this record set.
As you look through these records FamilySearch provides the option of looking at one card at a time or a group of cards.
The largest set of records is the San Francisco Probate Register of Actions. You can look through those folders or for a small fee our Research Committee will look for you and let you know what documents are in the probate packet. Note: there may or may not be a will. If you want to have our Research Committee look for the records for you go to the Names Search (Look-Ups) page on our website.
[1] This record set is of limited value.
[2] Griffin is a past president of CGS. These records are of limited value.
[3] This database tells you what documents can be found in a particular probate packet and can be of tremendous value.