Using the CGS Names Index

by Debbie Mascot (1/6/2025)

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The CGS Names Index ( includes several databases and today we’ll look at the Early Deaths database. When you search the CGS Names Index, one of the codes will be Early Deaths.

This data base includes some death notices from the San Francisco Call from 1902-1904 which you can have CGS look up for you, and also San Francisco Death Records 1865-1904, a database from FamilySearch that can include a lot of information about your ancestors’ deaths. While FamilySearch has digitized the images, indexing may not be complete, so this may end up being be one of those times for skimming and scrolling. If that isn’t for you, you may ask CGS for help using the Order form on the CGS Names Index page.

To check out the databases on FamilySearch, you can visit the FamilySearch catalog page (

You will see that it is a combination of several databases, so you will want to be sure that who you are looking for is going to be represented. From my example above, I’ll use Joseph Mariani, who died in 1871 at the age of 57.

Clicking over to, I first log-in. If you don’t have a FamilySearch login, I highly recommend! I never get ANY spam and I get so much value. Once logged in, I’m going to click the magnifying glass next to the first database (and remind myself to go back and hit each database that applies!):


This shows me that I can search this database. I click on the Last Name in the right-side search and type in MARIANI.

This brings up my Joseph Mariani. I can see that he died 30 April 1871 in San Francisco and was born in 1814 in Switzerland. If I click the camera icon, I can get straight to the photo of the record this came from:

If you click the document icon instead of the camera, you can get some of the information typed out, a link to the image, and a citation for the finding (if you use a different citation method, feel free to use that). The image houses more information than what is indexed, so be sure to check out the direct image. In this case, they say that Joseph died of a fall. It was much more than that, but that will be a story for another day.

Hopefully this encourages you to check out the CGS Names Index and try focusing on the Early Deaths to see what you can find! If you get to a database that is not indexed yet, you can use the magnifying glass icon to search all the images manually. I always advise to go get your beverage of choice first! If you wish to have CGS do your looking, you can place an order using the directions on the CGS Names Index page.

Post a comment if you find anything exciting using the Early Deaths code!  Happy hunting!

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Check Off Those New Year’s Resolutions!

by Debbie Mascot (1/3/2025)

New Year's Resolutions

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Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to research your family history?  Or get back to researching your family history?  Or to get more involved with your community?  If so, CGS is your one-stop shop!  Next week we have three events to get you started on your strong genealogy path:

Introduction to Genealogy for 2025

This is a four-week session starting on January 4, 2025 (the next 4-week session starts May 3).  The CGS experts will help you get started with your research or reboot your research.  The first session is Genealogy Basics Overview, which we all could benefit from revisiting from time to time.  Oh?  Did I mention it’s FREE to members and non-members alike?!?

When: Saturday, January 4, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Virtually via Zoom or in person at the CGS Library
Cost: Free!
How to Register:

Mayflower Descendants Special Interest Group (SIG)

Do you have Mayflower ancestors (or think you may have them)?  Join Robert Trapp the first Saturday of each month to lean more.  This SIG meets on the first Saturday of each month in person at the CGS Library.  Each month will vary as to the subject matter followed by a Q&A session.  Robert is an expert in all things Mayflower and can help show you what you need to join the Society of California Mayflower Descendants or learn more about your Mayflower ancestors.

When: Saturday, January 4, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: CGS Library
Cost: Free to CGS members
How to Register:

2025 CGS Annual Membership Meeting and Potluck

It’s election time again, but this time instead of political controversy, we have the honor to elect wonderful new board members who will be volunteering their time to CGS this year.  There will be a short business meeting, election of new board members and, for those joining in person, a social gathering and potluck lunch.

When: Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Virtually via Zoom or in person at the CGS Library
Cost: Free to CGS members
How to Register:

Special Event:
2025 All Ireland Genealogy Seminar
California Genealogical Society will host the first stop of the 2025 Ulster Historical Foundation US Tour.  You can register for a 30-minute consultation and/or attend a day of lectures.
When: Friday, February 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: CGS Library
Cost: $50.00 per 30-minute consultation
How to Register:
When: Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Preservation Park, Oakland, CA
Cost: Purchase before January 15, 2025 $100 for CGS Members and $125 for non-members
How to Register:


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Intro to Genealogy on Sat., Jan. 4, 2025

by Jennifer Dix (12/30/2024)

CA state image on blue background with floating words: free, genealogy, introduction, etc.

For more details, click the link for any event. All times listed are Pacific Time.
Questions? Email [email protected]

Ready to kick off a brand-new year with a brand-new start to your genealogy? All are welcome at our First Saturday Free “Intro to Genealogy” class, this Saturday, Jan. 4, at 10 a.m. This Saturday’s class is “Genealogy Basics,” an offers an overview of genealogy research. Great for beginners or for anyone wanting to brush up on or refresh your skills.

It’s part of our ongoing (free) four-session monthly series. The next three sessions offer an in-depth focus on the following topics: Census, Vital Records, and Organization. Classes may be taken in any order, and participation in one class is not required to attend others in the series. We hope you can join us in person at the CGS library, but the class is accessible by Zoom as well. Please let us know you are coming by registering through EventBrite.

There’s lots more coming up in the new year!

Sat., Jan. 11: the Annual Membership Meeting and Potluck

(Multiple dates): “Tips & Talk” – CGS and OFSC volunteers host a series of fun, informal discussions on a variety of genealogy topics. In person at the Oakland FamilySearch Center or via Zoom. Click here for Current Class List.

(Multiple dates) Special Interest Groups: Members support one another in research interests ranging from San Francisco genealogy, to Irish, Eastern European, DNA, using RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker, and more.

AND . . .
Sat., March 1: Registration is NOW OPEN for the All-Ireland Genealogy Seminar, as the Ulster Historical Foundation kicks off its 2025 USA tour in Oakland’s Preservation Park! Experts will also offer 30-minute consultations on Fri., Feb. 28! Register now!

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