Angel Island
CGS seeks volunteers to help families learn their histories on Angel Island during the Nichi Bei Foundation’s Nikkei Angel Island Pilgrimage, Saturday, October 5, 11:30 AM-3:30 PM. Volunteers will provide “speed genealogy” to event visitors, helping them get a start on their own family history.
You’ll receive a free state park boat ride to and from the island from Tiburon (or from San Francisco, but you’ll arrive later), a bento lunch, and a view of the former immigration station – in return you’ll be set up inside the former hospital building (now home of the Angel Island Immigration Museum) where you will help visitors. This is a chance to participate in a meaningful cultural event in a beautiful setting.
The event attracts people with a variety of immigration experiences, especially Japanese Americans; we’ll give you some key websites for Japanese American research that augment your usual sources of basic info. To sign up or ask questions, please contact our outreach chair, Grant Din, at gdin@californiaancestors.