All events listed are free. Times are Pacific Standard Time. To register or for more details, click the hyperlink for any event.
Tuesday, November 7, 11 AM: “Tips & Talk” at the Oakland FamilySearch Center. This week: OFSC volunteer Denise Plaskett continues her “FamilySearch Skills” sessions, showing visitors how to use the FamilySearch website. Today’s class focuses on record hints, attaching sources, and notes. A session on November 28 will cover memories, uploading and tagging photos, and adding documents.
This course will be given in the computer classroom and is limited to 14 hands-on students, so drop-ins are welcome but registration via Eventbrite is encouraged. Topics will be covered at the pace of the attendees. Free; held in person at the Oakland FamilySearch Center.
Wednesday, November 8, 6:30 PM: Members’ Roundtable. A forum for asking questions about one another’s genealogical research, learn from others, share research successes, and enjoy a collegial group of individuals interested in learning together. Particularly for new and remote members, this will be an opportunity to meet and feel part of the CGS community. Led by Lisa Gorrell and Jacqueline Henderson.
Saturday, November 11, 10 AM: Monthly CGS Board Meeting. Hybrid; in person and via Zoom. On the agenda: Focus 2025, board nominations, the annual report, and more.
Library hours: Thursday and Friday 10 AM-2 PM and Saturday 10 AM-4 PM
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