
This week at CGS (July 22-28, 2024)

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To register or for more information, click the link for any event. All times are Pacific Time.

Head shot of bearded manSat., July 27:Mapping Ireland’s Records” with John Grenham. A virtual session with expert John Grenham. His website, Irish Ancestors (, is known as a premier resource for searching Irish heritage. He will discuss the website, and provide a broad overview of the most relevant records for Irish research. Attendees can get a 33% discount on an Irish Ancestors subscription if they register by July 30. Admission: CGS members $10, nonmembers $20. For those who can’t make the live presentation, a video will be available to view in August.

Special Interest Groups for Members:
Wed., July 24, 6:30 PM: RootsMagic SIG. Keith Montgomery leads a discussion of helpful hints for users of this popular genealogy platform. Via Zoom.

And don’t forget — ! "Don't Forget" - smiley face with string on finger

Event Recordings: Many of the CGS events presented by renowned genealogy speakers are recorded and available for free viewing by our members. These include Thomas MacEntee‘s class on photo organizing and preservation; the California History Series, focusing on life and times in Alta California; several tech talks, and more! Visit the website for access.

2024 Salt Lake City Research Trip: September 29-October 5. Spaces are still available for this trip led by Evan Wilson and Stewart Traiman. Includes a six-night stay at the Radisson Hotel, five days of uninterrupted research at the largest genealogical library in the world, pre-trip meeting and consultation, breakfast, and two group dinners.


Library hours: Thursday through Saturday, 10 AM – 2PM. For directions and access instructions, please see our website.

Helpful Links
Special Interest Groups:
Calendar: Google calendar