“The Six,” a documentary that tells the stories of six Chinese survivors out of the eight who sailed on the Titanic‘s final voyage, will have its U.S. premiere on October 16 at the Immigration Film Festival in Washington, D.C. It’s part of a program called “Reckoning With History: Stop Asian Hate.” This is a hybrid event, so if you don’t live in the D.C. area, you can watch the film online.
CGS Board member Grant Din was a researcher for the film. He says, “I was lucky to be part of a team of researchers from China, Canada, New York, London, the Midwest, and here in the SF Bay Area searching for the stories of the six Chinese survivors of the wreck of the Titanic... They were seamen, on their way to work on other White Star Line ships in the boiler rooms. We found information on ship manifests, in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and other archives, and many other places to help learn what happened to them. It’s a powerful film with parallels to the present.”
Directed by Arthur Jones, “The Six” includes among its executive producers James Cameron (yes, the director of that other “Titanic” film) and boasts “exceptionally high production values,” in the words of reviewer Charlie Smith. Writing at the film’s North American premiere at the Vancouver International Film Festival last month, Smith noted, “This is not only about a supposedly unsinkable ship colliding with a giant iceberg; it’s an inspiring tale of the resilience and strength of Chinese pioneers who faced untold discrimination on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in the first half of the 20th century.”
The October 16 event runs from 2:45 – 5:30 Eastern time (11:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. PDT). To register (in person or online), visit https://lnkd.in/gNkutCQP and scroll down to the October 16 listing.
The film will also be streamed October 17-24 through the Friday Harbor Film Festival : https://www.fhff.org/film-guide.