
Some Photos From Jamboree 2008

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Things have been non-stop at the 39th Annual Southern California Genealogy Jamboree. The California Genealogical Society and Library table, number 710 in the Exhibit Hall, is well positioned for President Jane Lindsey to meet and greet attendees, including some familiar friends.

Ron Arons stopped by to show Jane his newly released book, The Jews of Sing Sing. Ron will be the featured speaker at the CGS Membership Meeting on Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 1:00 p.m.
Jane spent some time with former NEHGS colleagues, President and CEO, D. Brenton Simons and Christopher Childs.
Jamboree Chair, Paula Hinkel came by to say hello and show off her festive costume.
The “first-ever” Genealogy Blogger Summit featured seven of the best. Pictured are Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak, George G. Morgan, Steve Danko, Schelly Talalay Dardashti of Tracing the Tribe – The Jewish Genealogy Blog and Randy Seaver, author of Genea-Musings. Not shown are moderator Leland Meitzler and Dick Eastman.
Megan Smolenyak of Roots Television/ Megan’s Roots World and George G. Morgan of The Genealogy Guys Podcast listen as Stephen Danko of Steve’s Genealogy Blog makes a point.
Craig Manson at GeneaBlogie wrote about how Elizabeth O’Neal of Little Bytes of Life stole the show with her live-blogging of the event.
Great company! Seated: Kathryn Doyle, Dick Eastman, George Morgan, Steve Danko. Standing: Leland Meitzler, Schelly Talalay Dardashti, Randy Seaver, Craig Manson and Elizabeth O’Neal.


  1. Moultrie Creek  June 29, 2008

    Thanks for the update and photos. It’s great to have bloggers attending these functions so all of us can keep up with the happenings.

  2. Thomas MacEntee  June 29, 2008

    Thanks for the photos – you and Randy Seaver are my eyes and ears for this event! I just hope for as much work as this is (taking, processing and providing picture), that you are both still having fun.

    Remember, all work and no play makes Kathryn a cranky girl . . .

  3. Janet Hovorka  June 30, 2008

    I posted my notes on the blogger summit here: As bloggers report on happenings at genealogy conferences, it helps everyone who couldn’t go, or maybe were at the conference but couldn’t figure out how to split themselves when there are 2 good sessions to go to. Like I said, I felt like I was meeting movie stars in Burbank–people who I had been reading but not met yet.
    Great time at SCGS this year. Generation Maps will be back again.

  4. Anonymous  June 30, 2008

    Hi Kathryn,
    It was great to meet you at the Jamboree this weekend. Your enthusiasm may even spark a trip to the “far north.”

  5. Kathryn Doyle  June 30, 2008

    Denise and Thomas,
    I wish you could have been at the Bloggers Summit to see the looks on Eastman’s and Smolenyak’s faces when they looked at my iPhone and realized that Elizabeth had moblogged the event and to witness the audience response when Dick put “Little Bytes” up on the screen for all to see. Besides scooping Randy, she provided a real-time example of the power of blogging!

  6. Kathryn Doyle  June 30, 2008

    Denise Levenick,
    I would love for you to come north! I’m so honored to have met fM’s next guest blogger on “Shades of the Departed.” I’m looking forward to reading your post and I’ve added “The Family Curator” to my reader.