Conferences and Seminars:
October 26-20: German Handwriting Seminar (Family History Library)
October 31: Fall Genealogy Conference: DNA with Blaine Bettinger (North Hills Genealogists)
October 31: Passports to the Past: Discover Your Family Stories (Topeka Genealogical Society)
October 31-November 3: “What Scares You in Genealogy?” Annual Family History Day Seminar (Connecticut Genealogical Society)
Numerous associations offer online genealogy events every week. Most are free. To register for one of the events below, click on the name of the host organization.
October 26: “Mournful Exodus”: Finding your Irish Ancestor’s Home
Here are a few of the coming week’s highlights:
“Making Sense of Your Jewish DNA Results” (Utah Genealogical Society)
“Family Tree Maker 2019 Refresher: Fixing Errors And Beginning A Book” (Heritage Library)
“DNA Methodology for Unknown Parentage Research” (Louisville Genealogical Society)
“Relatives in Print! Researching Newspaper Databases” (New York Public Library)
“Online Resources of the Tennessee State Library & Archives” (Allen County Public Library)
“Genealogy Research of Mysterious Relatives” (Dallas Public Library)
“Where Were You? History Captured in Quilts” (Rogue Valley OR Genealogical Society)
“Exploring Ireland’s History Through Maps” (St. Louis Genealogical Society)
“Quaker Records and Migration” with Craig R. Scott (Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia)
October 30
“Medical Genealogy: Defining Obscure Medical Terms Used by Our Ancestors” (Houston Public Library)
“Researching Black History in the UK” (National Archives UK)
October 31
“Researching Our English Ancestors” with Paul Milner (Allen County IN Genealogical Society)
November 1
“Trace Your Patrilineal Ancestry and Knock Down Brick walls Using Y-DNA” (Genealogical Society of Broward County FL)
See our post “Genealogy Learning in the Time of Coronavirus” for links to classes archived online at Ancestry, FamilySearch, RootsTech, and more. Be well, stay safe, and happy learning!