Our Events
Dec. 5: First Saturday Free Intro to Genealogy. This month: “Organizing Your Family History.”
Conferences and Seminars:
Dec. 4: “Researching American Revolutionary War Patriots” (American Ancestors)
Dec. 5 & 6: New Jersey Family History Research
Numerous associations offer online genealogy events every week. Most are free. To register for one of the events below, click on the name of the host organization.
Dec. 1: “Jewish and African American Cemeteries as Borders Uncrossed”
Dec. 3: “Abe: Abraham Lincoln in His Times” with David S. Reynolds
Nov. 30: “Scottish Research Day” (4 classes)
Dec. 2: “The Genetic Origins of the Jewish People – Hanukkah 2020 Edition” by Adam Brown
Dec. 1 & 2: “Once upon a time: It’s all about the story” by Carol Baxter
Dec. 2: “Four ways DNA Painter can help with your family history research” by Jonny Perl
Dec. 4: “Your DNA questions answered live” with Diahan Southard
Dec. 1: Day of Giving Back – 4 free lectures
“Release Your Inner Sherlock! Exploring genealogy for the first time” by Jennifer Baldwin
“‘Deemed a Runaway’—Black Laws of the North” by Judy G. Russell
“The What’s New in DNA Update” by Blaine T. Bettinger
“Strengthen Your Analysis: Transcribing and Abstracting” by LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson
Here are a few of the coming week’s highlights:
Dec. 1: “Don’t Work for Free: How to Efficiently Manage Client Projects” by Cara Jones (Utah Genealogical Association)
Dec. 3: “Which DNA Test Should I Order?” (Allen County Public Library)
Dec. 4: Medical Genealogy: Defining Obscure Medical Terms Used by Our Ancestors” (Houston Public Library)
Dec. 5: “Finding Maiden Names – Let Me Count The Ways” (Bucks County Genealogical Society)
See our post “Genealogy Learning in the Time of Coronavirus” for links to classes archived online at Ancestry, FamilySearch, RootsTech, and more. Be well, stay safe, and happy learning!