
March Events at CGS

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Things are hopping at CGS in March! We know that many of you are attending RootsTech this coming week, whether virtually or in person. Take a minute after that to catch your breath, because there’s lots more lined up this month!

Wednesday “Tips & Talk”: Beginning March 1st, volunteers from CGS and the Oakland FamilySearch Center will lead fun, informal discussions on various topics. The talks will take place at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. More details to come, but here is a preview of scheduled topics:
March 1: “Got Questions?” (Also, the opportunity to watch RootsTech Conference online)
March 8: “Beginning FamilySearch and New Changes to FamilySearch”
March 15: “Overview of AncestryInstitution”
March 22: “Finding the Homeland of Your Immigrant Ancestors”
March 29: “Intro to Genealogy”

Sat., March 11: Why They Left, Where They Went, and What Their Journeys Can Reveal. Pam Vestal shows how to track your ancestors across place and time. Live via Zoom; recording available to view through April 11.

Thu., March 16: San Francisco Irish in the late 1800’s: The Story of My Great-Grandparents. Maureen Hanlon will share her research on her ancestors as they immigrated from Ireland to San Francisco.
Live via Zoom; recording available to view through April 16.

Monthly meetings:

First Saturday (March 4) 2023 Intro to Genealogy – 1st Saturday Free! Overview and Focused Topics. This month: Vital Records.

Second Saturday (March 11) Online – CGS Monthly Board Meeting (for members only)

Second Wednesday (March 8) CGS Member Roundtable. Contact Lisa Gorrell or Jacqueline Henderson.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

Third Saturday: (March 18) Family TreeMaker SIG hybrid meeting.

Fourth Monday: (March 27) DNA Skills SIG  Contact Mark McLaren: [email protected]

Fourth Wednesday: (March 22) Roots Magic SIG

These Special Interest Groups are hoping to launch soon; click the links for more information:
Swedish SIG
San Francisco-SIG

Last but not least! Don’t forget these recorded talks, available to view for a limited time:

Through March 25:
“Genealogical Proof for the Everyday Genealogist” An introduction to the Genealogical Proof Standard, by APG President Annette Burke Lyttle.

Through April 2:
“Organize Your Family History Research“: Linda Harms Okazaki offers strategies to get and keep your family history research organized.