Happy March! It’s the month when we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Women’s History Month, and spring officially arrives on March 19 (a tad early this year). We have a lot of fun and educational events and classes coming up. If you see something that interests you and you haven’t yet registered, please sign up!
Here’s what’s on tap this month:
March 18-April 8: Building Skills for Successful Family History Research, a four-week series taught by Pamela Brett, kicks off March 18 at the Oakland Family History Center. She shares “skills acquired from many years of beginner’s mistakes.” This is a great opportunity to tune up and sharpen your research skills with an experienced guide and fellow classmates.
Other happenings:
March 15: The Fifth Annual Irish Ancestry Network Meetup is a fun opportunity to network with others researching their Irish ancestors. Includes socializing, potluck lunch, and speakers TBA.
March 21: “The Naughty and Notorious Tour” of Mountain View Cemetery, led by docent Michael Colbruno. A special treat for CGS members.
Also March 21: West Coast Immigration in the 20th Century, a talk by Linda Okazaki, examines the ports of entry and the experiences of immigrants to the West Coast, many of them Asians, in the last century.
March 28: “Blogging to Share Your Family History” Chris Pattillo offers tips “for writers and non-writers” about starting your own genealogy blog.
Don’t forget our monthly First Saturday “Intro to Genealogy” class, and our various Special Interest Groups!
All our events can be found listed on our website
Or at the CGS Facebook page
Or at EventBrite.com (search for “California Genealogical Society”)
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