Plans are rolling along for the annual National Genealogical Society Family History Conference, coming to Sacramento in 2022!
After more than 18 months of dealing with various stages of health restrictions and lockdowns due to the Covid-19 situation, it is expected the Conference (May 24-28, 2022) will be well-attended. Hotel reservations opened this week, and conference organizers recommend that they should be made sooner rather than later. To book a hotel, go to the NGS website for hotel accommodation information.
You have probably heard that the California Genealogical Society (CGS) has been asked to act as the “Local Host” for the Conference – and volunteers are already working behind the scenes to make the gathering one to be remembered.
Our American Mosaic is the theme of the Conference – celebrating the diversity of the United States.
The conference will keep attendees busy (Tours! Events! Lectures! Wine!) and will also offer many opportunities for personal family research.
For updates and other information, make sure to periodically check the Conference page on the CGS website.
Mark your calendars now for the Conference – and make those hotel reservations soon!