
CGS Tech Talks

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Does Google Drive leave you confused? If so, then these Tech Talks are made for you.  In a series of videos, using PowerPoint slides with a live instructor, we’ll take you through the technology tools we use at CGS. Go to Tech Talks on our website.

Many of our committees work together online and in person. Google Drive lets you share files and collaborate on them in real time.  But using this tool can be confusing at first. These videos will help you learn about Google Drive – what it is, how to find files shared with you, how to create your own files and how to share them.

More videos are in process, including:

  • CGS email – tips and tricks for staying in touch with other members.
  • Google Meet – how to set up a video conference with other members. This is a free tool for CGS volunteers that allows them to hold live online meetings – even if they don’t have Zoom.

Have any ideas for more videos? Contact Theresa Murphy [email protected].

And… a special thanks to our Library and Desk Duty Committee members who previewed the first video and provided great comments and suggestions.