I’ve been distracted by a couple of CGS projects that came my way and were too important to ignore. The first was this month’s issue of the CGS e-News – the January 2008 email newsletter – which went out this past weekend to [drumroll, please!] 924 members. CGS e-News was started last year by Jane Lindsey with the technical assistance of Kathy Watson who set us up with Constant Contact, the email, marketing and survey tool also used by NEHGS for their e-News. Our goal is to send the electronic news every month as a supplement to the CGS News, edited by Jane Hufft and produced by Lois Elling, which is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November.
The second project is a Family Tree Magazine survey for libraries with genealogical collections. FTM is planning a feature article “that will honor libraries with outstanding genealogical collections across the United States.” Anyone who has been to the California Genealogical Society library knows that it fits the definition so the article would be a great way to shine some light on our hidden jewel.
Unfortunately, the FTM questionnaire is extremely detailed, requires quantitative answers and came at the worst time, just before the holidays. CGS librarian, Laura Spurrier and research director, Nancy Peterson stepped up to the challenge and the emails have been flying back and forth in an effort to meet the January 14 deadline. As Nancy noted, “No single one of us appreciates all facets of our holdings” so the challenge is to gather input from several more member volunteers in the next few days.