Book Repair Workshop Returns – April 30, 2008

by Kathryn Doyle (3/20/2008)

The California Genealogical Society is now taking reservations for a spring Book Repair Workshop to be held on Wednesday morning, April 30, 2008.

The popular class, taught by Book Repair Committee Chairman, Bill O’Neil, will be limited to ten enrollees. The fee is $15.00 for materials. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting CGS. There is a also a sign-up sheet at the reception desk.

Photograph by Kathryn M. Doyle, 11 Dec 2007.

German Genealogy Conference – April 25 & 26, 2008

by Kathryn Doyle (3/18/2008)

CGS member, Mary Beth Frederick, sent this along about the German Genealogy Conference:
“As a new member of the Sacramento German Genealogy Society (SGGS), I recently attended my first meeting. What a strong and enthusiastic group! Baerbel K. Johnson, an excellent German research consultant at the FHL, was the guest speaker and answered questions during the morning’s two-hour study group. Marion Wolfert and Roger Minert, the two presenters for the April 26 event, are considered two of the top German experts and need no introduction to those who have been researching their German roots for more than a few weeks. Attendees will be able to choose the seminar topics that interest them, including The Lives of Our German Ancestors, Beginning Your German Research, Locating Records in Germany, Using the Internet for German Genealogical Research, plus several others. Several persons in the study group had hired Marion to do research for them in Germany; to a person they praised her work and showed large stacks of copied records to support their words. This would be a good opportunity for anyone thinking of hiring a German researcher to meet an excellent one and assess whether she’s the one for them. Shirely Riemer asked me to make sure that people know about the pre-seminar gala on April 25. It will be held at the Sacramento Turn Verein, 3349 J Street, beginning at 5 pm and is FREE for anyone who has signed up for the seminar. It will include a buffet of German foods, a lively German band, folk dancers, singing of German songs — and a chance to show off your dirndl, lederhosen or other ethnic-German costume. And there will be free parking, a benefit that Bay Area attendees will appreciate. Note that reservations should be made by April 19 in order to attend the gala.”

The Spring Seminar, 25 Years and Counting!, is a two-day seminar and gala on April 25 and 26, 2008, in Sacramento. The all-day seminar on Saturday, April 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., will be held at La Sierra Community Center, 5426 Engle Road, Carmichael. Seminar pre-registration for non-members is $40 each or $50 per couple or $40 at the door, space permitting. You may purchase lunch in advance or bring your own. On Friday, April 25, the “German Buffet Gala” is free to all who register for the seminar. The Friday event, which will be held at the Sacramento Turn Verein, at 3349 J Street, beginning at 5:00 p.m., will include a buffet of traditional German dishes, a lively German band, folk dancers performing traditional German dances, German songs, and colorful traditional German regional costumes. Those interested in attending either or both events may request a pre-registration application form by e-mailing: [email protected], or by calling (916) 421-8032 before April 19.

Irish Research Seminar – July 9, 2008

by Kathryn Doyle (3/17/2008)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! CGS President, Jane Lindsey has been cooking up a treat straight from Ireland that’s sure to excite Irish researchers and have them dancing a jig.

Noted Irish author, researcher and lecturer, Nora M. Hickey, will present A Day of Irish Information, Wednesday, July 9, 2008, at the Berkeley Yacht Club, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Ms. Hickey will give four talks of interest to researchers of all skill levels. She has also agreed to schedule the next day at the CGS Library to do private, one-on-one consultations.

For additional details, download the flier and registration form.

Nora M. Hickey was born in Cork, Ireland, and educated at Loreto College, Manchester, England. After returning to Ireland in 1974, she studied history and philosophy at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, a constituent college of the National University of Ireland. Her B.A. thesis was genealogical; a study of the Norman family, the de Berminghams of Leinster. As a founder member of the Federation of Local History Societies, she was Honorary Editor of Local History Review for many years. An early member of the Irish Family History Society, Nora also acted for some years as the Honorary Editor of Irish Family History.

Ms. Hickey was a founder director of the Irish Genealogical Project until she resigned in 1991 to develop her own Irish genealogical research service. This includes visiting the USA several times yearly to give lectures and seminars, together with a personal genealogical research service. In the past Nora has hosted County Cork Summer Schools and organised Dublin based Research Weeks with personal guidance in the Irish archives.

Her publications include: Going to Ireland: A Genealogical Researcher’s Guide, Kinsale Historical Journals, Kinsale: Glimpses of a town through the years and The Battle of Kinsale, together with many articles, both historical and genealogical, published in many journals in two continents. In 2005, Nora edited her 98 year-old father’s memoirs – My Barryroe Childhood and was very much involved with his centenary celebrations in September 2007 – in two countries, with an international attendance.