Honored as One of the Top 25 Genealogy Blogs

by Kathryn Doyle (4/6/2009)

The CGSL blog is proudly displaying a new badge in the sidebar. ProGenealogists, Inc. announced their list of the 25 Most Popular Genealogy Blogs and we made the cut! CGS is represented by two other blogging members who made the list – Steve Danko and Craig Manson.

Top 25 Genealogy Blogs as of 3 April 2009:

  1. About.com Genealogy (Kimberly Powell)

  2. Eastman Online Newsletter (Dick Eastman)

  3. Genea-Musings (Randy Seaver)

  4. Creative Gene (Jasia)

  5. Dear Myrtle (Pat Richely)

  6. AnceStories (Miriam Midkiff)

  7. Genealogue (Chris Dunham)

  8. footnoteMaven (Anonymous)

  9. Genetic Genealogist (Blaine Bettinger)

  10. Tracing The Tribe: Jewish Genealogy Blog (Schelly Talalay Dardashti)

  11. GenaBlogie (Craig Manson)

  12. Olive Tree Genealogy Blog (Lorine McGinnis Schulze)

  13. Steve’s Genealogy Blog (Stephen J. Danko)

  14. 24-7 Family History Circle (Juliana Smith)

  15. TransylvanianDutch (John Newmark)

  16. GenDisasters (Stu Beitler)

  17. Genealogy Insider @ FamilyTree (Diane Haddad)

  18. Think Genealogy (Mark Tucker)

  19. California Genealogical Society and Library Blog (California Genealogical Society)

  20. The Genealogy Guys (George G. Morgan and Drew Smith)

  21. CanadaGenealogy, or, ‘Jane’s Your Aunt’ (Diane Rogers)

  22. Ancestry Insider (Anonymous)

  23. GenealogyBlog (Leland Meitzler)

  24. Ancestor Search Blog (Kathi)

  25. Tie Hugh Watkins Genealogue (Hugh Watkins) [tie]

  26. Legacy News (Legacy Tree Software) [tie]

Leland Meitzler posted the full press release which also includes this year’s list of the 50 Most Popular Genealogy Websites for 2009.

Thanks very much to ProGenealogists, Inc. for the honor to be listed among so many excellent genealogy blogs!

Coats of Arms, Crests and Heraldry: A Genealogist’s Overview – May 9, 2009

by Kathryn Doyle (4/3/2009)

May Membership Meeting with Jim Terzian
A Genealogist’s Overview: Coats of Arms, Crests and Other Heraldry that is Part of Family Heritage

Saturday, May 9, 2009, 1:00 p.m.
California Genealogical Society Library
2201 Broadway, Suite LL2
Oakland, California 946121

Kings and courtiers, gentlemen and family groups have borne coats-of-arms for over thirty generations. Yet most of us, even extremely experienced genealogists, know very little about them or how to use them in our research. What exactly are coats-of-arms and crests? Who has them, when did they develop and where does a family get them? What resources exist to help you use heraldry as a tool in your research?

Join CGS for a ninety-minute presentation by Jim Terzian, Executive Director of the Heraldry Foundation and Secretary-Treasurer of the “Royal Bastards” – Descendants of the Illegitimate Sons and Daughters of the Kings of Britain.

For almost forty years, Jim Terzian has been a student of heraldry and genealogy, representing the United States as a delegate to the International Congresses of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences since 1996, serving as a member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Heraldry Committee from 1995 to 2004 and serving as Executive Director of the Heraldry Foundation since 2003. Professionally Mr. Terzian is principal of the Terzian International Group, a 21-year-old Silicon Valley firm that develops and launches technology start-up companies, products and services.

Please note that the short membership meeting starts promptly at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Terzian’s’ talk follows at about 1:20 p.m. Please arrive early.

Wordless Wednesday

by Kathryn Doyle (4/1/2009)

Wordless Wednesday
California Genealogical Society and Library
Ninth Annual Research Tour to the Family History Library
March 29 – April 5, 2009

Photographs courtesy of Cathy Paris.