November events at CGS: Jewish Genealogy and more!

by California Genealogical Society (11/10/2024)

To register or for more information, click the link for any event. All times are Pacific Time.
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Joanna ShearAmong the CGS events planned this month is “Jewish Genealogy: Case Studies” by Joanna Shear. Held via Zoom on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 11 a.m., this presentation will address the challenges facing researchers in Jewish genealogy, and discuss resources and methodologies for finding Jewish ancestors. Joanna was first drawn to genealogy by an unknown name engrave on a mysterious silver chalice; her investigation led to the reunion of family members separated by the Holocaust. She also specializes in African American, California, and Midwest genealogy and in using DNA for genealogical research.

Register for the class ahead of time; Joanna will contact participants before the meeting to ask what questions you may have and what you’d like covered in the class. You can find out more about the event and register HERE.

Other happenings this month:

Members’ Special Interest Groups
Nov. 13: CGS Members Roundtable
Nov. 16: San Francisco SIG
Nov. 25: DNA Skills SIG

Visit our website for SIG details

Videos of past events

Missed a presentation? Many of our classes remain available to CGS members on our website for a limited time. Currently, Carly Morgan’s “Cemetery Photography” class is available through Nov. 12. Melinda Kashuba’s presentation on Sanborn Insurance Maps remains viewable through Nov. 29. You can also view the entire Los Californianos California History Series, and more! See the Videos section of our website.

*Special Interest Groups* at the Oakland FamilySearch Center (formerly “Tips & Talk”)
CGS volunteers and others lead ongoing special interest groups. Topics include multiple ethnicities and geographical specialties. Also, hands-on workshops on using research databases, creating a family history, DNA, and more.
Multiple dates and times. For complete details, see the OFSC calendar.

Helpful Links
Special Interest Groups:
Calendar view:

Fall 2024 issue of The California Nugget is out

by California Genealogical Society (11/4/2024)

Cover of The California Nugget

The Fall 2024 issue of The California Nugget is now out! The e-version is available to members on our website. If you’ve opted to receive a hard copy, it should arrive in your mailbox shortly if it hasn’t already.

Our fall issue includes Susan Skilton‘s research on an early Californio family in Santa Clara County. Vanessa Wood writes about the owner of the Venice boarding house that served as her mother’s first California home in childhood. Melanie Proctor recounts her grandmother Pearl Fein’s life as a pop song composer (complete with links to audio clips). And Lisa Gorrell offers tips on planning a genealogical research trip.

Don’t miss outgoing CGS President Chris Pattillo‘s letter at the front of the magazine. Volunteers are the people who keep the society going. If you might be interested in joining the board, or finding another volunteer niche for your talents, please contact Jennifer Dix.

We always welcome submissions to the Nugget; see the CGS website for more information.

Table of Contents – The California Nugget, Fall 2024

“Juan Bernal and His Family, Co-Owners of Rancho Laguna de los Palos Altos” by Susan Skilton
“Kate (Blundy) Moore’s Boarding House in Venice, California” by Vanessa Wood
“Grandma Pearl’s Suitcase: The Adventurous Life of Pearl Zsupnik Fein” by Melanie Proctor
“Planning a Research Trip” by Lisa Gorrell


Free to CGS members: Sanborn Maps presentation on video

by California Genealogical Society (10/30/2024)

Color map of San Francisco in 1887

On October 26, Melinda Kashuba gave a lively and fascinating presentation on the information that can be found in fire insurance maps, particularly those published by the Sanborn Map Company from the mid-19th century into the early 20th century. If you missed it and are a CGS member, you can now access the recording of the talk on our website. Just one of the many perks of being a member of the Society!