
A Wee Book In The Griffin Collection of our Library

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A tiny book from the Griffin Collection


By Chris Pattillo
Yesterday I picked up boxes 10 through 13 of the Griffin Collection from our manuscripts room and delivered them to Stewart Traiman in Alameda, who has been scanning and indexing the material in the collection. This is part of our ongoing project to digitize our collections and make them available online. When I arrived at Stewart’s we exchanged the new boxes for the ones that he had finished scanning. While I was there Stewart showed me one of the many items contained in the collection – the little book pictured above. You can see how tiny it is–about two inches by four inches. It has a black leather cover and only a few pages. The text on the first page says, “Genealogical Records of the Griffith Family copied from an old Bible belonging to Philip Griffith of Clarksburg Maryland.”

This item is just one of hundreds in the collection, which includes photographs, an assortment of family trees, official documents and myriad other family records. This is the second set of records that Stewart has scanned and indexed. Previously he scanned the John Ellis Hale Collection which has been uploaded to our website. You can find it on the Research page under Online Resources. The photo on that pagewas taken inside the manuscripts room. Each time we meet to exchange material Stewart makes a point of sharing one of the special items he has found. For me, these exchanges feel like my reward for doing my part, and now I am sharing it with you.

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