Grant Din gives 3 presentations on Asian American Genealogy.
We can hardly wait for this year’s National Genealogical Society conference, “Our American Mosaic,” scheduled for May 24-28 in Sacramento. CGS is the local host society! A number of the speakers are CGS members. Over the next weeks, we will be highlighting each of these speakers. Today:
GRANT DIN will give three presentations at this year’s conference. On Thursday, May 26, he talks about “Angel Island Immigrants from More than Eighty Countries and the Records They Left Behind.” On May 27, he discusses “Chinese Railroad Workers’ Files from the Mid-Nineteenth Century,” and he presents “An Introduction to the World of Asian American Genealogy” on Saturday, May 28, as part of the “Online at Home” series. Grant has specialized in Asian American research for over 35 years. He is a member of the CGS Board.
If you haven’t yet registered, now is the time! Early Bird Discount deadline has been extended to March 31. Complete schedule and registration details are available at the Conference website, https://conference.ngsgenealogy.org/
Also: Volunteers wanted! We need lots of help to keep things running smoothly. Even an hour or two makes a difference. Please take a look at the Volunteer Sign-up Sheet and see what slots are open.