Terms of Service and Privacy Statement for Member Connections on the California Genealogical Society (CGS) Website

How CGS may use your information.

At the CGS, we care about the privacy of all members

  1. We collect profile information about your research interests to help you find other members with similar interests find each other. Entering your profile information is voluntary and you can delete it at any time. We will retain a backup copy for as long as your membership is active.
  2. The information that you share in your member profile will be available to other members who have accepted these Terms of Service. In addition, CGS committees may use it for outreach or for targeted notifications about events that align with your interests.
  3. We will not disseminate your information outside CGS, but you should not enter any information that you do not want to share with other participants. We do not include fields for phone number or personal email addresses to protect your privacy. We provide instead the Member Connections messaging service for making contacts.

How Members may interact with Member Connections.

  1. Profile information shall not contain any commercial solicitation or advertising except that professional genealogists may state that they offer genealogical research services for a fee.
  2. Members are prohibited from using the Member Connections service or other member’s profile information for any purpose other than genealogical collaboration. In particular they shall not transfer any other member’s profile information to anyone who is not a Member Connections participant, nor shall andy member use the Member Connections messaging service for any commercial solicitation.
  3. Members who violate these Terms of Service may have their access to Member Connections or their CGS memberships revoked at the sole discretion of the CGS Board of Directors.
  4. By providing your information you grant us and our web service agents a non-exclusive license to make it available to Member Connections participants on the website for as long as you leave your information in your profile.